How Safe Are Dental Implants? Are There Risks?

Staying Safe with Implant Surgery

In many cases that dental implants are recommended by the attending dentist, they are safe. However, there are instances when the procedure is not indicated and other alternatives may be more suitable. Learn more here about the complications, and risks associated with dental implants. Knowing them may give you a better understanding about implant safety.

Dental implants have amazing benefits, but there may be reasons some people are just not suited for it.

For example, smokers, those with periodontitis, diabetes, an autoimmune disease, or a compromised immune system, including those who have osteoporosis, and those under chemotherapy, are not as good candidates for implants. Likewise, certain allergies and medications are also contraindicated. These conditions may only compromise the implant stability, the healing process, and overall gum health. Hence a thorough oral exam and medical history are important prerequisites for implants.

On the other hand, patients must be advised well by their health provider about possible complications arising from implant dentistry. It’s an invasive procedure as you know it and just like any other surgery carries with it some risks and possible complications.

First of all, there may be problems during the surgery. For example some injury may happen to your other teeth, the soft tissue around, including the bone, sinus cavity, and nerve supply. The choice of a qualified and experienced surgeon should decrease this risk.

In like manner, a surgeon-dentist with sufficient expertise may decrease the likelihood of implant failure arising from insufficient setting of the implant, lack of implant to bone integration from technique, or even loose implant may happen.

Other complications may arise from the long healing time. Patients may not be mindful that strenuous activities, choice of food, lack of proper cleaning, among others, may affect implant stability while its healing. Infections, such as peri-implantitis may jeopardize implant success. In some cases tooth sensitivity can occur. Nonetheless, if you are in good health, you follow supportive gum care, and have regular dental visits for follow-up can ensure low incidence of complications.


Observing Safety and Risk Reduction in Federal Way

When you have your implants with West Campus Dental Center, rest assured that your safety and dental health success are our business. We are your go-to dental implant provider in Federal Way, WA.