Weighing The Options
When you see your dentist and inquire about the best solution for a few missing teeth, a couple of the best options can crop up. Should you go for a bridge or are implants better? With your dental professional’s expertise and your personal preferences, the choice may depend on a variety of factors. Know them well so the best treatment may be reached.
What is the cost involved?
Though a dental implant costs more than a bridge, the former will prove more cost-effective in the long run, lasting more years before replacement, if at all. However, dental insurance is more likely to cover bridge costs. If you have insurance, a bridge is more pocket-friendly. If you are convinced of implants’ durability and the savings attached to them, consider it an out-of-pocket expense. Many insurance companies do not cover implants, regarding them as cosmetic in nature, hence, less necessary. But there are companies that do cover implants.
One must also keep in mind that the cost of either bridge or implant will have to include the preparations and additional treatments required before the procedure. However, if both options are out of your price range, ask your dentist about other options.
How many teeth are missing?
A better option to several missing teeth would be a dental bridge. If you’re missing three or more, and in some cases a full arch of missing teeth, dental implants are still plausible. An implant-supported prosthetic arch is a combination of implant and bridge, possible only via advanced dental technology. Ask your dentist about it. However, the procedure may be both extensive and exorbitantly expensive. It can also be somewhat a prolonged recovery.
Is your overall health good?
As dental implants require invasive surgery, it serves as an option for relatively healthy people who have no medical issues like diabetes or leukemia. These conditions can impede wound healing after the implant procedure. Smokers are not also ideal candidates for the same reason. The ideal candidate also has disease-free gums; no presence of periodontitis or bone destruction.
Are you able to commit your time?
It only takes a couple or so dentist visits over a period of two weeks if you opt for a dental bridge. This and maybe a little more if preparations are called for, such as tooth extraction or filling up cavities. Overall it does not take too long to have a dental bridge. However, if it’s dental implants for you, you must be able to commit to the entire process of implant integration and bone healing that might take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
SourceAssisting You With Best Options in Federal Way
Deciding which option is best for you? For expert advice and state-of-the-art treatment, visit our Federal Way dentist here at West Campus Dental Center.