Dental Emergency

West Campus Dental Center

In Pain? We Can See You Today!

If you are in severe pain right now because of your cracked/chipped tooth, your crown, or feeling a numb sensation and a severe toothache because of your wisdom tooth that is impacted, then worry no more– call us!

West Campus Dental Center welcomes all dental emergencies brought about by accidents, persistent toothaches or broken teeth. If you have lost a tooth, have broken teeth or have a toothache, we recommend you reach out to a trusted emergency dentist immediately.

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Toothaches need to be treated as soon as possible. It is a sign of an underlying dental problem and if left untreated the problem may progress and worsen over time. Treating a toothache early will almost certainly be less costly and extensive than if it is left alone.

Knocked Out Teeth

Accidents and injuries from sports and other activities can occur. If you get your tooth knocked out accidentally, we recommend placing the knocked out tooth in a container of milk and bring it immediately to an emergency dental office. If it is within 1 hour, there is a possibility that we can still save the tooth. Take care to NOT wash the broken tooth under water.

Broken Teeth

Having a broken tooth means that there is a problem with your tooth itself. The causes for a broken tooth are decay, teeth grinding or an old filling. Whatever cause your tooth to break you must see an emergency dentist to have it treated immediately. Your broken tooth may become exposed and give way to infection from bacteria and this will lead to more serious dental problems like gum disease no to mention bother some pain in your mouth.

Chipped Teeth

Chipped teeth are some of the usual dental emergencies. Chipped teeth are not necessarily a big problem unless a tooth is broken in a large piece, which will then make the tooth vulnerable to infection. An infected chipped tooth needs to have a filling as soon as possible. Generally, the emergency with a cracked tooth is that this imperfection can lower with your smiles and lessen your social interaction. Having a large part of your front tooth broken will have a major effect on your appearance, affecting how it sounds when you speak, and your overall confidence when interacting with other people.